Public Function create_interact(ByVal the_title As String, _
ByVal the_notes As String, ByVal first As String, _
ByVal last As String, ByVal phone As String, _
ByVal zipcode As String, ByVal reason1 As String, _
ByVal reason2 As String, ByVal prod_name As String, _
ByVal direction As String, ByVal the_type As String, _
ByVal origin As String, ByVal done_in_one As Boolean, _
ByVal result As String, ByVal fee_based As Boolean, _
ByVal pay_option As String, ByVal lead_source As String, _
ByVal start_date As String, ByVal duration As Long, _
ByVal wait_time As Long, ByVal entered_time As Long, _
ByVal user_name As String, ByVal gen_time_bomb As Boolean, _
ByVal int_fld1 As String, ByVal int_val1 As Long, _
ByVal str_fld1 As String, ByVal str_val1 As String, _
ByVal str_fld2 As String, ByVal str_val2 As String, _
ByVal date_fld1 As String, ByVal date_val1 As String) As Integer
Public Function create_interact_list(ByVal the_title As String, _
ByVal the_notes As String, ByVal first As String, _
ByVal last As String, ByVal phone As String, _
ByVal zipcode As String, ByVal reason1 As String, _
ByVal reason2 As String, ByVal prod_name As String, _
ByVal direction As String, ByVal the_type As String, _
ByVal origin As String, ByVal done_in_one As Boolean, _
ByVal result As String, ByVal fee_based As Boolean, _
ByVal pay_option As String, ByVal lead_source As String, _
ByVal start_date As String, ByVal duration As Long, _
ByVal wait_time As Long, ByVal entered_time As Long, _
ByVal user_name As String, ByVal gen_time_bomb As Boolean, _
Optional fld_list As Variant, Optional type_list As Variant, _
Optional val_list As Variant) As Integer
This API creates an interaction in Clarify. An interaction stores information on communications with contacts. This API saves the reason for the interaction, if the interaction is product related, how much time was spent with the contact, and so on. It actually creates an interact record and an activity log entry, and allows time bomb records to be created.
Parameter Name Required? Description
the_title No Title of the interaction
the_notes No Notes for the interaction
first Yes Contact First Name
last Yes Contact Last Name
phone Yes Contact Phone
zipcode No Contact Zip Code
reason1 No Choice from Interaction Reason_1 User-Defined List
reason2 No Choice from Interaction Reason_2 User-Defined List
prod_name No Choice from Interaction Product User-Defined List
direction No Choice from Interaction Direction User-Defined List
the_type No Choice from Interaction Type User-Defined List
origin No Choice from Interaction Origin User-Defined List
done_in_one Yes Indicates whether interaction is done-in-one (true) or not (false)
result No Choice from Interaction Result Code User-Defined List
fee_based Yes Indicates whether interaction is fee-based (true) or not (false)
pay_option No Choice from Interaction Pay Option User-Defined List
lead_source No Name of person who provided lead
start_date No Interaction Start Date and Time
duration No Length of the Interaction
wait_time No Waiting time for the Interaction
entered_time No Entered Length of the Interaction
user_name No User that performed the Interaction
gen_time_bomb Yes Should a time bomb be added to the system for business rule firing?
int_fld1, int_fld2 No Names of additional fields on table_interact to write
str_fld1, str_fld2
int_val1, int_val2 No Values for the additional fields. These values are only used if the
str_val1, str_val2 corresponding field name field is filled with a valid field name
fld_list Yes List of additional field names on table_interact to write.
List must be present, but does not need to have any items in the list
type_list Yes List of additional field data types to write. List must be present, but does not
need to have any items in the list
val_list Yes List of additional field values to write. List must be present, but does not
need to have any items in the list
Value Meaning
0 No errors
-1 Specified User not found
-2 Supplied Reason1 code is invalid
-3 Supplied Reason2 code is invalid
-4 Supplied Product Name is invalid
-5 Supplied Direction is invalid
-6 Supplied Type is invalid
-7 Supplied Origin is invalid
-8 Supplied Result Code is invalid
-9 Supplied Pay Option is invalid
-10 Specified Lead source not found
-11 Specified Contact not found
-12 Interaction duration is negative or equal zero
-13 Bad wait time supplied. Must be > 0
-14 Cannot find the activity string with rank = 500
-15 Specified User's Employee record not found
ret_objid Output Returns the objid of the Interaction
ret_id_num Output Returns the Interaction id number
· Create a new Interaction
Visual Basic:
the_title = ""
the_notes = ""
first = "Joe"
last = "Contact"
phone = "512-123-4567"
zipcode = "02021"
reason1 = "Order"
reason2 = ""
prod_name = ""
direction = "Inbound"
the_type = "Call"
origin = "800#"
done_in_one = True
result = "Placed Order"
fee_based = False
pay_option = "Credit Card"
lead_source = ""
start_date = "12/27/2002 10:30"
duration = 5
wait_time = 0
entered_time = 0
user_name = "sam"
gen_time_bomb = False
int_fld1 = ""
int_val1 = 0
str_fld1 = ""
str_val1 = ""
str_fld2 = ""
str_val2 = ""
date_fld1 = ""
date_val1 = ""
ret_int = fcinter.create_interact(the_title, the_notes, first, last, _
phone, zipcode, reason1, reason2, _
prod_name, direction, the_type, origin, _
done_in_one, result, fee_based, pay_option, _
lead_source, start_date, duration, _
wait_time, entered_time, user_name, _
gen_time_bomb, _
int_fld1, int_val1, _
str_fld1, str_val1, _
str_fld2, str_val2, _
date_fld1, date_val1)
If ret_int = 0
InteractionObjid = fcinter.ret_objid
InteractionId = fcinter.ret_id_num
End If
the_title = "";
the_notes = "";
first = "Joe";
last = "Contact";
phone = "512-123-4567";
zipcode = "02021";
reason1 = "Order";
reason2 = "";
prod_name = "";
direction = "Inbound";
the_type = "Call";
origin = "800#";
done_in_one = True;
result = "Placed Order";
fee_based = False;
pay_option = "Credit Card";
lead_source = "";
start_date = "12/27/2002 10:30";
duration = 5;
wait_time = 0;
entered_time = 0;
user_name = "sam";
gen_time_bomb = False;
int_fld1 = "";
int_val1 = 0;
str_fld1 = "";
str_val1 = "";
str_fld2 = "";
str_val2 = "";
date_fld1 = "";
date_val1 = "";
var ret_int = fcinter.create_interact(the_title, the_notes, first, last,
phone, zipcode, reason1, reason2,
prod_name, direction, the_type, origin,
done_in_one, result, fee_based, pay_option,
lead_source, start_date, duration,
wait_time, entered_time, user_name,
int_fld1, int_val1,
str_fld1, str_val1,
str_fld2, str_val2,
date_fld1, date_val1);
if(ret_int == 0) {
var InteractionObjid = fcinter.ret_objid;
var InteractionId = fcinter.ret_id_num;